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吴缅是个什么样的人?   吴缅,教授,博士生导师。中科院百人计划引进人才。   1953年1月生,江苏苏州市人。   1982年本科毕业于南京师范大学生物系,1984年获美国哥伦比亚大学生物化学硕士,1988年获哥伦比亚大学分子生物学博士,1988-1990美国哈佛大学细胞发育系的博士后。1991-1995新加坡大学生物学系担任助理教授。1996-1998新加坡中央医院神经内科基因治疗组高级研究员。2000年至今,中国科学技术大学生命科学学院“百人计划”教授。在SCI杂志上共发表了论文30多篇,被国际同行引用超过320次。   主要研究兴趣:   目前正从事肿瘤细胞凋亡的分子机理以及肿瘤基因治疗的基础研究。主要研究兴趣:(1)研究诱导/阻止肿瘤细胞凋亡的分子机理,主要研究的基因包括:Survivin、Smac/DIABLO、TRAIL/Apo2L、RIP3、Ad-E1B/19K;(2)筛选新的促/抗凋亡因子和新的凋亡通路并阐明它们在细胞凋亡调控中的作用;(3)利用细胞凋亡的机理探索治疗疾病的方法,例如:利用激活Caspase诱导细胞凋亡达到治疗某些传染性疾病,例如:丙肝和艾滋病。   近期代表性研究论文:   Zhiyin Song and Mian Wu. (2004) Identification of a novel nucleolar localization signal and a degradation signal in Survivin-deltaEx3: a potential link between nucleolus and protein degradation. Oncogene (in press).   Yang Y, Ma J, Chen Y, Wu M. (2004) Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of RIP3: Identification of novel nuclear export and import signals in RIP3. J Biol Chem. 279: 38820-38829   Hoti N, Zhu DE, Song Z, Wu Z, Tabassum S, Wu M. (2004) p53-dependent apoptotic mechanism of a new designer bimetallic compound Tri-phenyl tin benzimidazolethiol copper chloride (TPT-CuCl2): In vivo studies in Wistar rats as well as in vitro studies in human cervical cancer cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 311:22-33   Wu LJ, Duan B, Mei YD, Gao J, Chen JG, Zhuo M, Xu L, Wu M, Xu TL. Characterization of acid-sensing ion channels in dorsal horn neurons of rat spinal cord. J Biol Chem. 15;279(42):43716-24.   Wang J, Chen J, Wu M. Expression and characterization of human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Ital J Biochem. 2004 Jul;53(2):67-72.   Zhiyin Song, Shixin Liu, He He, Naser Hoti, Yi Wang, Shanshan Feng and Mian Wu (2004). A Single Amino Acid Change(Asp 53→Ala 53) Converts Survivin from Anti-apoptotic to Pro-apoptotic. Mol. Biol. Cell. 15(3):1287-96.   Lin Miao, Peng Yi, Yi Wang and Mian Wu (2003). Etoposide upregulates Bax enhancing tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand mediated apoptosis in Human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line QGY-7703. Eur. J. Biochem. 270 (13), 2721-2731   N. Hoti, J. Ma, S Tabasum, Y. Wang and M. Wu (2003). Triphenyl tin benzimidazolethiol, a novel antitumor agent induces mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells via suppression of HPV-18 encoded E6. J. Biochem. 134 (521-528).   Zhiyin Song, Xue B Yao, and Mian Wu (2003). Direct interaction between Survivin and Smac is essential for the anti-apoptotic activity of Survivin during Taxol-induced apoptosis. J. Biol.Chem. 278(25):23130-40   Peng Yi, Wei Zhang, Zhiwei Zhai, Lin Miao, Yi Wang and Mian Wu (2003). Bcl-rambo beta, a special splicing variant with an insertion of Alu-like cassette, promotes etoposide and Taxol induced cell death. FEBS Letters 534 (61-68)   Yonghui Yang, Jun Ma, Zhiyin Song, Mian Wu (2002). HIV-1 TAT mediated protein transduction and subcellular localization using novel expression vectors. FEBS Letters 532 (36-44)   B. Ren, N Hoti, X Rabasseda, Y Z Wang and M Wu.(2003) The Antiangiogenic and Thera peutic Implications of Endostatin. Method Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 25(3) 215-224   Yang Y, Xu c, Ge F, Lu Z, Zhu G, Li H, Liao J, Niu L, Wang Y, Wu M (2002). Site-specific integration of the double-mutation glucose isomaase (GIG138 PG247 D) gene in streptomyces lividans and its stable expression. Curr. MicrobioL. Jan 44(1):18-24.   Mian Wu, Das Asha,Tan Yan, Das asha, Cong-ju Zhu, Taian Cui and Meng Cheong Wong (2000) : TRAIL/Apo2L induces apoptosis in human glioma cells. J. Neurosci. Res 61:464-470   Colby Geoffrey, Mian Wu and Tzagoloff Alexander:(1998) MTO1 codes for a mitochondrial protein required for respiration in paromomycin-resistant mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae J. Biol Chem 273, 27945-27952   Tzagoloff, J. Jang, D.M.Glerum and M. Wu FLX1 codes for a carrier protein involved in maintaining a proper balance of Flavin Nucleotide in yeast mitochondria J. Biol. Chem (1996) 271 7792-7797   M. Wu, B. Repetto, M. Glerium and A. Tzagoloff. Cloning and characterization of FAD1, the structural gene for Flavin Dinucleotide Synthetase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1995) 15, 264-271.   《男生日记》主人公,勇敢善良有责任心。





